The Journey Church and Covid-19

Exposure to COVID Quarantine Guidelines *UPDATED JAN 12, 2022*

  • Exposed defined: I have been in person with someone who tests positive for at least 15 min with less than 6 feet. *Exception for those in the service or medical industry who have appropriate PPE and procedures.
    • I need to: 
      • get a COVID test before returning to the JC even if I don’t have symptoms, 
      • OR I need to quarantine for 5 days from the exposure date before returning to in person. 
  • If my test is Negative:
    • I can return to in person 
  • If my test is Positive:
    • Follow isolation protocol

If you tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, then isolate at home for at least 5 days.
  • if you had symptoms
    • End isolation after 5 full days if you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and your symptoms are improving.
    • If you were severely ill with COVID-19 you should isolate for at least 10 days. Consult your doctor before ending isolation.
  • if you did NOT have symptoms
    • End isolation after at least 5 full days after your positive test.

The CDC advise that you wear a mask for 10 days after the first day of your exposure, or 10 days after the first day of isolation.
If you fall in this 10 day period, you may not serve in the nursery or sing on stage during worship without a mask.

For more information see the CDC website: 

2022: Operating during a pandemic

Tools and Teams: 

I strongly encourage you to continue serving and sharing the Gospel! If you’re new, join us!

Journey Groups - staying connected and in relationship with others is vital. (Click Here)

Care Team - loving others and sharing our time and skills to care for each other is critical. (Click Here)

Give - we are not closed! Salaries, the Online Campus, and ministries are still active even when we are not meeting in person for service. (Click Here)

Missions - our community needs our support. (Click Here)

Want to serve with us? Fill out a Get Involved form now. (Click Here)
Do you or someone you know need help? Let us know through a Care Card.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns: [email protected]

JC Kids:

Don’t miss out on the awesome content we have available through the Parent Cue App.
If you haven’t yet downloaded The Parent Cue App, you can in the Google or Apple Store