Getting Jealous
Why do I Keep Doing This?
For I do not do the good that I want to do, but I practice the evil that I do not want to do. Now if I do what I do not want, I am no longer the one that does it, but it is the sin that lives in me. So I discover this law: When I want to do what is good, evil is present with me. For in my inner self I delight in God’s law,
—Romans 7:19-21
God’s love is bigger than our sin.
A grateful heart is the cure for envy and unhealthy jealousy.
“Envy is ‘I want what you have.’ Jealousy is ‘I have something that I think you want, that I think you’re coming after,’”
—Sara Eckel, Psychology Today, 2016
Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands.
—1 Samuel 18:7b
So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward.
—1 Samuel 18:9
*Envy and Jealousy rob our peace. *
A tranquil heart is life to the body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.
—Proverbs 14:30
Why do we keep doing this?
1. We feel insecure when we compare ourselves to others.
2. We listen to voices that says we are not enough.
3. We obsessive over what we cannot control.
** - relationships, work, and stuff**
4. Jealousy and Envy are born of fear.
There is an upside to Jealousy.
The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is fierce in wrath. The LORD takes vengeance against his foes; he is furious with his enemies.
—Nahum 1:1-2
Healthy jealousy protects what is good – but it does try to dominate or subjugate.
How to have healthy Jealousy
1. Stop comparing and start celebrating.
Do not covet your neighbor’s house. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
—Exodus 20:17
2. Be vulnerable to the ones you can trust.
One with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.
—Proverbs 18:24
3. Be grateful.
…give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
—1 Thessalonians 5:18
This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
—1 John 4:10
God’s love is bigger than our sin
A grateful heart is the cure for envy and unhealthy jealousy.
1. Where do I need to stop comparing and start celebrating?
2. What am I grateful for?
If you would like for us to pray for you today, or if you have questions about how to follow Jesus. Fill out a Journey Card so we may pray with you and offer Next Steps for your faith.
If you would like counseling help with uncontrollable jealousy, contact Hopewell Counseling and Equipping Center by phone at 757-333-1548